LAMPa’s policy council welcomes Bruce McCullough as a representative from Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod.
A lifelong Lutheran, Bruce is a member of University Lutheran Church of the Incarnation (“UniLu“), a town/gown congregation that he joined when he first arrived in Philadelphia to attend college and then law school.
Bruce is an attorney practicing in Delaware and Pennsylvania, primarily in the areas of civil litigation and business formation. He is a charter member of the ELCA Attorneys Association and periodically is called upon to provide legal advice or representation to Lutheran congregations and entities in the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. He had provided incorporation and 501(c)(3) status advice to Sanctuary Village, a Lutheran-related organization that in 2021 was selected to establish a tiny-house village for the homeless in Philadelphia.
Bruce lives in Philadelphia with his wife Sharon; they have two adult daughters. He has been involved with local election issues in Philadelphia. With an interest in the intersection of the “two kingdoms” and justice issues generally, he is looking forward to expanding his focus statewide.
“In addition to his passion for justice, Bruce’s engagement in housing and election systems will bring important wisdom and expertise to two top priorities on LAMPa’s agenda,” said Director Tracey DePasquale.
“I have known Bruce for over 30 years,” says Bishop Patricia Davenport, [he’s] “a lawyer with a passion for social justice for all especially for those in the margins, our LBGTQIA+ community and Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). Bruce has served on many congregational and synodical committees to bring about need change in multiple areas of church and community. Along with his intellect and analytical gifts is a strategist that is able with acuity to get a task accomplished.”