“By equipping the faithful to act for peace in all their communities,
the Church contributes to earthly peace. In recalling our identity in
baptism, in gathering in peace around the Lord’s Table, in telling the
biblical narrative, in teaching faith, hope, and love, the Church provides
the basics of peacemaking for all of life.”

– ELCA Social Statement, For Peace in God’s World (1995)

On September 5, the Thursday before “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday, all seven ELCA bishops in Pennsylvania will gather with colleagues and faith leaders from across the Commonwealth at the Capitol in Harrisburg to call for peace in this election season. Their letter, titled “Choices and Voices for Peace” encourages “our fellow Pennsylvanians to choose hope over hate. To build bridges of understanding that reach toward reconciliation. To work together to create communities of peace, where all can thrive.” Rostered or ordained faith leaders of all religions are encouraged to sign on here and are also welcome to join us in Harrisburg on September 5.

Lay leaders are also welcome to help us fill the Capitol on September 5 at 11am and can add their voices by taking the “Peace is Possible” pledge. See below for opportunities to further stand for peace.

As always, LAMPa encourages congregations to deepen the impact of their service on “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday by adding learning and advocacy. We can provide templates for letters to lawmakers that reflect your commitment to being part of God’s healing, restoring and reconciling work in the world.

In addition, this year, LAMPa has curated a Peace Pledge kit that can be used to amplify the bishops’ call for peace. The kit includes the Lutheran bishops’ response to the interfaith sign-on letter; form letters to send to state lawmakers, calling on them to model peaceful rhetoric and nonviolence in this election season; a bulletin insert linking to our Peace Pledge for all to sign, rooting us in our common humanity and love for our neighbors even when we disagree. You can also make a poster of the pledge for members to sign and display as a reminder of this covenant with one another.

We believe that peace is not passive. Pursuing peace means actively building a community of mutual trust and care and rejecting forces that seek to divide. Seeking God’s peace for all is at the heart of what we do in our service and advocacy – making sure people are fed, housed, and free to be their full selves in a world that is well cared for is our vision of peace. By explicitly standing up for peace with our voices and the work of our hands, when so many others seem louder, we can make a powerful statement about the work we know God is doing in the world.

Congregations are welcome to use the Peace Pledge kit for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday or any Sunday leading up to the election on November 5. LAMPa can also tailor advocacy opportunities specifically tied to your “God’s work. Our hands.” service project. Just email LAMPa@lutheranadvocacypa.org.

Peace Pledge Kit


  1. Debra Doubrava PhD August 20, 2024 at 6:16 pm - Reply

    As a therapist who provides gender affirming care, I am particularly wishing peace for our LGBTQIA2S+ siblings and their families.

  2. Rev. Fredrica Meitzen August 22, 2024 at 10:30 am - Reply

    Human rights for ALL people, including the Palestinians. thank you for helping to educate our people.

  3. Martin J. Rafanan August 27, 2024 at 10:36 am - Reply

    Praying for peace. Working for peace. Engaging politically for peace. God embraces us ALL with love for this liturgy of Life.

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