Water Justice
Beginning of the “Season of Creation”
From Season of Creation's "Invitation to Join Season of Creation 2022." The Season of Creation is the annual Christian celebration to listen and respond together to the cry of Creation: the ecumenical family around the world unites to pray and protect our common home, the Oikos of God. The Season “Celebration” begins 1 September, the World Day of Prayer
Voices of Faith in Climate Action: COP28 and Beyond
Join this webinar by ELCA Witness in Society and learn about the Lutheran presence and major decisions at the recent 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC). Connect your local, state, and federal actions and passions with developments on the global scene as moved by Lutheran participants
Creation Care Network Launch
Join Creation Care leaders and advocates from across the Commonwealth as for a time of connecting, sharing, and learning! Why join a network? The work of striving for justice and peace in all the earth can be lonely and exhausting - LAMPa hopes that by launching our networks we strengthen the bonds of our advocates
Earth Day 2024
Earth Day is a time to renew our commitment to be good stewards of God’s creation and to seek justice in relationship with neighbor and creation. There is a movement towards this commitment and relationship powered by people of faith taking action as advocates and as church. Earth Day this year is Monday, April 22, 2024.