Recent research shows growing up in neighborhoods with lower levels of poverty can have a positive effect on children’s academic performance and success into adulthood and disrupt intergenerational poverty. Low income families who move to low-poverty neighborhoods have also been shown to experience better physical and mental health and have lower rates of hospitalizations in the long-term. These findings have sparked renewed interest in housing mobility programs by housing advocates and housing authorities to support families assisted through the Housing Choice Voucher program move to higher opportunity areas. These programs are intended to address barriers to accessing housing choices by offering mobility-related assistance.
In this webinar we will:
Learn about housing mobility services and strategies;
Examine the racial and economic impacts of the Housing Mobility Program operated by the Housing Authority of the City of Pittsburgh; and
Discuss the role these programs can play in reducing neighborhood segregation and improving economic opportunity for minority families.
Andrew Fenelon, PhD | Assistant Professor, Public Policy and Sociology | The Pennsylvania State University
Selena Ortiz, PhD, MPH | Associate Professor, Health Policy, Demography, and Public Policy | The Pennsylvania State University