Last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot for the primary election
April 16, 2024
Don’t miss the deadline to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot before the upcoming Pennsylvania primary elections!
The last day to apply for a mail-in or civilian absentee ballot is Tuesday, April 16. Applications must be received by your county election board by this date.
Tuesday, April 23, is the primary election. Completed ballots must be received by your county election office by this date. Postmarks are not enough.
You can register to vote online and find more information about voter registration here. You can also find information about voter registration here.
You can find information about voting by mail-in or absentee ballot here.
You can apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot online here.
You can also apply for a mail-in or absentee ballot by submitting your completed physical application to your county election office, either by hand or by mail. Here are blank applications for mail-in ballots and absentee ballots. The Pennsylvania Department of State also has applications in some languages other than English (listed under “Option 2: Apply for a Mail Ballot by mail“). You can also request a physical application in person at your county voter office.
Information about becoming an annual mail voter can be found here.
Information about third party ballot delivery for mail voting and designating an agent, along with the form, can be found here.
Information about the accessible remote ballot marking solution for mail voting can be found here.
If you’re unsure whether or not you are currently registered to vote in PA or are unsure whether or not your voter registration is up to date, you can check your voter registration status here.
You can find your polling place here.
If you have any questions, you can call 1.877.VOTESPA (1.877.868.3772).
You can find contact information for your county election officials here.
This page from the Pennsylvania Department of State has more information about upcoming elections.