Driving PA Forward Day in the Capitol
November 14, 2023
Join LAMPa and our partners in the Driving PA Forward Coalition in Harrisburg for a day of meetings with lawmakers to advocate for HB 769, Driver’s Licenses for All. This bill would separate driver’s license eligibility from citizenship status, as it was before 2003. Currently, 15 states and Washington, D.C., offer driver’s licenses to all, regardless of immigration status. LAMPa has long been a part of the coalition to advance this policy for the wellbeing of our immigrant neighbors and the safety of all on Pennsylvania roadways. This legislation would help make our roads and communities are safer by enabling more drivers to be licensed and insured and is projected to have economic benefits to the Commonwealth as well. You can find more information and resources on this policy here.
On Nov. 14, be a part of this gathering to show your concern for the livelihoods and safety of immigrants and recognize their
contribution to our communities — particularly our agricultural economy. The event will feature a Thanksgiving table set in the Capitol Rotunda, thanking farm workers and all who contribute to the feast day we celebrate, but which many who provide the food cannot themselves enjoy. Workers from throughout the food supply chain will speak to highlight the contributions of farm workers and immigrants in making the traditional holiday meal possible.
Legislative visits will follow. If you are able to attend, please let us know, and we’ll coordinate meetings as LAMPa with our coalition partners. We expect to wrap up by early afternoon. Email us with your address (to help us identify your lawmakers) at LAMPa@Lutheranadvocacypa.org with DRIVING in the subject line by Nov. 6.
If you are unable to join us in the Capitol, but would be like to be in touch with your lawmakers, please drop us a note, again, with your address, at LAMPa@Lutheranadvocacypa.org and include DRIVING in the subject line. We will respond with more information.
To join our statewide network of advocates working to make Pennsylvania a state that stands for welcome, please email us at LAMPa@Lutheranadvocacypa.org with IMMIGRATION in the subject line and staff will reach out to you.