

Rogation Stories: Stewardship & the Disenfranchised

July 9th, 2021|

In late April this year LAMPa joined with United Lutheran Seminary in the celebration of rogation. ULS’s spring convocation around the theme “The Theology of Gathering” helped Lutherans across Pennsylvania think about the ways in which we are connected, even as we distanced ourselves due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In recognizing this theme, and

New Data Reveals Extent of Students Experiencing Homelessness

March 31st, 2021|

More and more of Pennsylvania’s school-age children were experiencing homelessness even before the pandemic, according to a newly released report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The study accumulates the locally reported totals of homeless children under five and those enrolled in pre-K through twelfth grade across eight regions of

Welcoming Schools Survey Due March 15

February 22nd, 2021|

Did you know that, currently, ONLY 6 out of the 500 school districts in Pennsylvania have explicit policies or resolutions in place that welcome and support immigrant and refugee students? The Welcoming Schools Campaign, a program of the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (PICC), aims to educate and empower immigrant and refugee students and

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