

General Assistance: a Critical Program for Pennsylvania

March 3rd, 2019|

LAMPa, along with organizations that serve communities across the Commonwealth,  recently signed onto a letter asking Pennsylvania lawmakers to protect General Assistance (GA). The letter, delivered to all legislators, urges them to vote against House Bill 33, which would eliminate GA in Pennsylvania, and to ensure continued funding for GA

Gov. Wolf Announces Governor’s Census 2020 Complete Count Commission

February 21st, 2019|

Governor Tom Wolf announced that Pennsylvania has selected organizations to be on the Governor’s Census 2020 Complete Count Commission. The Commission will support the commonwealth’s efforts to achieve a complete and accurate census count. “Having an accurate count of Pennsylvania’s population is essential for fair representation at the federal level,”

2019 ELCA Advocacy Policy Priorities

February 6th, 2019|

God is calling us into the world to serve together. Shaped by the ELCA’s social teaching documents and experiences of its congregations, ministries and partners, the ELCA advocates to end world hunger and stands up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, and preserve God’s

Gov. Wolf Announces Proposed Overhaul of State Public Benefits Programs

January 31st, 2019|

Harrisburg, PA – Governor Tom Wolf recently announced a proposed overhaul of state programs to help Pennsylvanians receiving public benefits earn career-building skills, find good jobs, and access affordable, permanent housing, among other goals. The overhaul would create greater accountability for programs aimed at getting people into the workforce, increase

Central Pennsylvania Food Bank Stops Special Hours as Federal Shutdown Ends

January 28th, 2019|

Harrisburg, PA –  The Central Pennsylvania Food Bank announced today that it has stopped the special Hub service hours that it had begun two weeks ago to serve federal workers and contractor employees impacted by the Federal Shutdown. However, the Food Bank’s leadership is concerned that some impacted families may

Federal Shutdown, Waiver Proposals Threaten SNAP, Put Residents at Risk

January 7th, 2019|

By Sheila Christopher, Executive Director Hunger-Free Pennsylvania Two recent developments in the federal government could spell disaster for thousands of Pennsylvanians who receive monthly food benefits. If President Trump keeps the government shut down through February, as he recently suggested, monthly food benefits could stop. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or

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