Policy Council

Policy Council

Take the LAMPa Network Survey

November 12th, 2024|

As we look forward to 2025 and beyond, LAMPa is ready to accompany you and our ELCA Lutheran ministries across the Commonwealth as we live into our baptismal call to strive for justice and peace. This biennial survey helps us discern where the Holy Spirit is leading us for public

Upper Susquehanna Synod Appoints Rev. Justin Lingenfelter to LAMPa’s Policy Council

September 1st, 2023|

Bishop Craig Miller has appointed the Rev. Justin Lingenfelter to represent Upper Susquehanna Synod on  LAMPa’s Policy Council. Lingenfelter serves as the pastor at United In Christ Lutheran Church in Lewisburg, PA and as the current interim pastor for Christ’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lewisburg. Justin and his wife,

LAMPa Welcomes SWPA Synod Rep., Rev. Eric Damon, to Policy Council

August 31st, 2023|

Bishop Kurt Kusserow, of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod, has appointed the Rev. Eric Damon to  LAMPa’s Policy Council.  Damon is the pastor of Grace and Emmanuel Lutheran Churches in Manorville and Ford City, where he lives with his wife, younger daughter, dog, cats, and chickens. His older daughter still

LAMPa Welcomes New USS Representative to Policy Council

August 17th, 2022|

Michele Mitchell joins LAMPa’s policy council as the newest representative from Upper Susquehanna Synod. A member of St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church in Shamokin Dam, Mitchell serves on the church council.  Accepting Bishop Collins’ nomination, Mitchell said she is particularly interested in creation care advocacy and in standing with those whose

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