Pennsylvania House Leadership Transitions – Rep. Cutler Unanimously Elected Speaker
A new slate of leaders was elected in the House Republican Caucus following the resignation of former PA House Speaker Mike Turzai, effective June 15. Turzai, who resigned his House seat with five months remaining in his term accepted a position as general counsel for Peoples, a Pittsburgh-based gas
Keystone Counts Shares Update on the 2020 Census in Pennsylvania
Keystone Counts recently shared an update on the 2020 Census in Pennsylvania. LAMPa is one of the more than 100 coalition members of Keystone Counts, a statewide coalition of advocacy groups, service providers, and community organizations joined together to build an education and outreach effort for a fair and
Presiding Bishop Praises SCOTUS Decision On LGBTQIA+ Rights
June 24, 2020 “ELCA social teaching supports human rights for all people, regardless of their sex (biological), gender, or sexuality. This stance is rooted in respect and welcome for all people as created in the image of God and evident in the ELCA’s longstanding commitment to protecting civil and
ELCA Advocacy Introduces “Virtual Visits” Resources
During a time of physical distancing when policy makers are less able to be out in their districts, it is important that constituents take opportunities to communicate their experience and opinions about the heightened public health and economic challenges. There may be something invigorating about walking up to a pillared
As Trans Individuals are Targeted, Coalition Calls for Action on Hate Crime Bills
In the aftermath of the recent murder of members of the LGBTQ community, the recent historic Supreme Court ruling, and ongoing conversations about equality and justice in our society, the Pa Coalition Against Hate, of which LAMPa is a member, issued the following statement: “Now in Pride Month, a time
ELCA Presiding Bishop Responds to Supreme Court Decision on DACA Program
June 18, 2020 This church urges “flexible and humane ways for undocumented persons who have been in this country for a specified amount of time to be able to adjust their legal status.” — ELCA social message, “Immigration” (1998) Today I rejoice in the renewal of dreams and the transformation
Portion of PA CARES Act Funding Allocated to Housing & Homeless Assistance
Governor Wolf signed legislation allocating a portion of the federal CARES Act funding, which included a $175M allocation for a COVID-19 Relief Mortgage and Rental Assistance Program and an additional $10M for Homeless Assistance Grants. The funds appropriated will support communities in preventing evictions for tenants, stabilizing landlord small businesses,
ELCA Presiding Bishop Calls on Church To Observe National Day of Mourning
The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), has called on the church to join with faith communities across the United States in lament and remembrance, and on our elected leaders to observe Monday, June 1, as a day of mourning to honor
Pennsylvania’s Response to the 2020 Census
As of May 24, 2020, Pennsylvania households have responded to the 2020 Census above the national average. The national response to the census, thus far, is 60.1%, with Pennsylvania's response rate being 63.1.% according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Pennsylvania ranks 16th in the response rate out of 50
COVID-19 Resources
We give thanks to God for the many ways disciples and ministries are working to see that no one goes hungry. Whether you are currently operating a feeding ministry, donating to community feeding efforts, or are in need of food assistance, please look to the state and federal programs that