ELCA Churchwide Assembly Adopts: Faith, Sexism, and Justice Social Statement
At the 2019 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, gathered in Milwaukee August 5-10, voting delegates adopted a social statement focused on sexism and gender justice: "We believe all people are created equally in the image of God. Every individual is dependent upon God, and all share in the God-given vocation to contribute
Responding To Conditions At The Border
Recent news stories of appalling conditions at immigrant detention centers and of deep human sorrow on our country’s southern border have many of us desperate to be part of change. Mary Campbell, ELCA's Director of AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities) invites any faith leader (not
Lutherans Gather To Set a Welcome Table
Lutherans from across the Commonwealth gathered in the Capital on May 20 to speak up for the hungry, network with statewide advocates, worship, learn about hunger and child nutrition, human trafficking, climate change, prescription drug pricing, the ELCA's proposed Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment with keynote Kathryn Lohre, and more. In
LAMPa Featured In Living Lutheran Article
LAMPa, along with coalition partners who advocated for "Safe Harbor" legislation for the past four years are featured in a February Living Lutheran article. The article, written by Courtney Olsen, explores what happens "When Disciples Use Their Voice: Advocacy Leads to New Legislation." The article documents the long and arduous
2019 ELCA Advocacy Policy Priorities
God is calling us into the world to serve together. Shaped by the ELCA’s social teaching documents and experiences of its congregations, ministries and partners, the ELCA advocates to end world hunger and stands up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, and preserve God’s
LAMPa Supports “Buyer Beware” Anti-Human Trafficking Bills
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania was honored to join Rep. Seth Grove , R-York, and Sen. Kristin Phillips-Hill, R-York, as they announced their intent to introduce legislation to increase fines and prison sentences for criminals convicted of human trafficking. LAMPa Director Tracey DePasquale, Program Director Lynn Fry, and other members
Safe Harbor, Protections for Hungry Neighbors and Environment, Highlight End of Legislative Session
The unanimous passage of Safe Harbor legislation protecting child sex trafficking victims in Pennsylvania was the last act of the General Assembly before recessing prior to Tuesday election. Gov. Tom Wolf signed the bill into law on Oct. 24. The law redirects victims away from prosecution for prostitution or other
PA Senate Passes Bill Requiring Surrender of Guns in Certain Cases of Domestic Violence
By a 43-5 bipartisan vote, the Pennsylvania Senate approved HB 2060, which mandates convicted domestic abusers give up their guns within 24 hours of a final protection from abuse order and limits who can hold onto them for safe keeping. LAMPa, along with other interfaith partners have supported this bill.
Governor Wolf Signs 2018-2019 Budget
Governor Wolf signed the 2018-2019 state budget into law Friday, June 22, a week before the June 30 deadline with very little controversy. This year's budget includes no new taxes, funding transfers to pay for new school safety initiatives, and deposited money into the Rainy Day Fund for the first
Safe Harbor Bill Moves Out of House Judiciary Committee
Senate Bill 554, which would provide "Safe Harbor" for victims of child sex trafficking, was voted out of the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, June 5. The legislation, which LAMPa and others have been advocating for years, is poised for a full House vote. Click here to learn more and