ELCA Launches Collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow & Releases Caring for Creation Video

February 11th, 2019|

In its commitment to pursuing wholeness for creation, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is pleased to announce collaboration with ecoAmerica and its Blessed Tomorrow program, which helps faith-based organizations elevate their leadership on the moral, religious and justice issues surrounding climate change. Learn more. In conjunction with this

2019 ELCA Advocacy Policy Priorities

February 6th, 2019|

God is calling us into the world to serve together. Shaped by the ELCA’s social teaching documents and experiences of its congregations, ministries and partners, the ELCA advocates to end world hunger and stands up for policies that create opportunities to overcome poverty, promote peace and dignity, and preserve God’s

SEPA Bishop Davenport Honored

December 17th, 2018|

Bishop Patricia A. Davenport was honored recently with citations from Mayor Jim Kenney and the state House of Representatives at a reception at City Hall on Dec. 13.  Various city officials shared remarks during the ceremony. State Rep. Joanna McClinton, a Democrat who represents the 191st District covering parts of

Farm Bill Update

October 4th, 2018|

Despite efforts by leadership in the House and Senate Agriculture committees, Congress failed to reauthorize the farm bill by the Sept. 30 deadline. With the prior law now expiring, dozens of programs will stop and many others placed on hold. Long-standing authorized programs such as crop insurance and SNAP will

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