Responding To Conditions At The Border

July 8th, 2019|

Recent news stories of appalling conditions at immigrant detention centers and of deep human sorrow on our country’s southern border have many of us desperate to be part of change. Mary Campbell, ELCA's Director of AMMPARO (Accompanying Migrant Minors with Protection, Advocacy, Representation and Opportunities) invites any faith leader (not

New Resource Available – “The Forgotten Luther II: Reclaiming the Church’s Public Witness”

June 12th, 2019|

In this critical time in history, "The Forgotten Luther II: Reclaiming the Church's Public Witness", this volume argues that what is urgently needed is a cogent, clear, biblically based and theologically grounded rationale for the manner in which the church speaks and acts in the political arena. Lured at times

Lutherans Gather To Set a Welcome Table

May 31st, 2019|

Lutherans from across the Commonwealth gathered in the Capital on May 20 to speak up for the hungry, network with statewide advocates, worship,  learn about hunger and child nutrition, human trafficking, climate change, prescription drug pricing, the ELCA's proposed Declaration of Inter-Religious Commitment with keynote Kathryn Lohre, and more. In

Documentary “Emanuel” Screenings In Theaters Nationwide June 17 and 19

May 30th, 2019|

The documentary "Emanuel" will be screened in theaters nationwide June 17 and 19. It follows the journey of the Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Charleston, S.C., after the racially motivated shooting of nine members during a Bible study on June 17, 2015. The documentary features interviews with

ELCA Launches Collaboration with Blessed Tomorrow & Releases Caring for Creation Video

February 11th, 2019|

In its commitment to pursuing wholeness for creation, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is pleased to announce collaboration with ecoAmerica and its Blessed Tomorrow program, which helps faith-based organizations elevate their leadership on the moral, religious and justice issues surrounding climate change. Learn more. In conjunction with this

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