Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod Launches Renewed Commitment to Ending Hunger
In celebration of 50 years of Lutheran hunger ministries, the Hunger Team of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod has launched a renewed commitment to ending hunger in their communities and around the globe. A dedicated group braved scorching heat to participate in the synod's Walk for Hunger, held June 22
Bishop Eaton Expresses Disappointment in Grants Pass Supreme Court Decision
June 28, 2024 I am disappointed by the Supreme Court's decision in Grants Pass v. Johnson, which clears the way for onerous civil and criminal penalties for unsheltered neighbors forced to sleep in parks or on other public property. This could jeopardize the work of Lutheran ministries and organizations dedicated
Isaiah 58:12 Fellowship Deadline Extended
LAMPa has extended the deadline for applications to the Isaiah 58:12 Fellowship to July 28th, 2024. Communications and Advocacy Engagement Coordinator, Rev. Erin Jones, expressed her hope this extension would enable interested youth and young adults more time for creating their proposals. "We recognized that with the National Youth Gathering pending,
LAMPa Calls for Election Devotional Writers
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry in Pennsylvania (LAMPa) will be compiling and distributing a 40 Day Devotional "Reflections Before an Election," beginning Sept. 27. ELCA Rostered Ministers (pastors and deacons) and seminarians are welcome to submit entries to this devotional, which will be available as a PDF, a daily email, or on
Add Your Voices to “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday in 2024
As members of the body of Christ, we are called to serve our neighbors in response to God’s grace. “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday, taking place September 8, is a chance to renew our commitment to love and to serve in and with our communities. We can make God's
Kindling Faith Holds Election-Year Series on ELCA Social Teachings
Consider joining our partners at Kindling Faith as they--and we--engage with the question "What does it mean to be Lutheran in a crucial election year?" The series will focus on ELCA social teachings and how we might learn and engage in with one another around social issues in this election
In a Pivotal State, Ways to Serve our Neighbor in an Election Year
ELCA Young Adults support civic engagement at the ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in February in Houston, Texas. Participants include (from left to right) Savannah Jorgensen, Brooke Helfers, Erin Brown, Autumn Byars, Tomo Duke, Naomi Mbise, Frances Dobbs, Kayla Zopfi, Quentin Bernhard, William Milner. On Feb. 29, Gov.
PA Advocates Can Celebrate National School Breakfast Week With a Win and a Challenge
LAMPa hunger advocates and students can celebrate National School Breakfast Week (March 4-8) with a win and a challenge this year. In December, universal free school breakfast, which had been implemented during the pandemic, was made permanent with enactment in the Pennsylvania School Code. For years, LAMPa has been
LAMPa Presence at ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering
Pennsylvania synod hunger leaders, LAMPa Director Tracey DePasquale and ELCA Hunger Advocacy Fellow Quentin Bernhard joined fellow hunger leaders from around the country and world at the ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering, Feb, 1-4 in Houston, Texas. The gathering celebrated 50 years of ELCA World Hunger and included service-learning site
Recommendations in Response to State of Black Pennsylvania Report, Listening Tour
A year after the release of his State of Black Pennsylvania report and subsequent state-wide listening tour, Sen. Art Haywood (Montgomery, Philadelphia) has responded with a set of policy recommendations. The State of Black Pennsylvania report was released in February 2023, aiming to give a complete picture of the