

LAMPa Staff Participate in Creation Care Events

April 28th, 2021|

On Thursday, April 22nd, Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light (PA IPL) hosted an Interfaith Prayer Vigil for Earth Day in Lewisburg. Larry Herrold, Jr., LAMPa’s Hunger Advocacy Fellow, attended the event with several other leaders in the central Susquehanna Valley faith community, offering prayers to mark the occasion. The event was held in conjunction with Lewisburg

Extra SNAP Benefits are Arriving in April

April 23rd, 2021|

Following the settlement in the Gilliam vs. USDA case, SNAP recipients will now start receiving additional aid in the form of "emergency allotments." Read more about the settlement here. Anyone who receives SNAP benefits, even the maximum amount, will receive these emergency allotments. People will not receive notifications, so spreading

Settlement Means Another $712M for PA’s Poorest SNAP Recipients

April 1st, 2021|

Settlement in a case between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and food stamp recipients in Pennsylvania regarding COVID relief will mean $712 million in back payments of additional nutrition benefits for more than 650,000 of the lowest-income Pennsylvania households.  Community Legal Services won an injunction in September on the behalf

New Data Reveals Extent of Students Experiencing Homelessness

March 31st, 2021|

More and more of Pennsylvania’s school-age children were experiencing homelessness even before the pandemic, according to a newly released report by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. The study accumulates the locally reported totals of homeless children under five and those enrolled in pre-K through twelfth grade across eight regions of

New Report Reveals Extent of Microplastic Pollution in PA Waterways

March 3rd, 2021|

Plastic pollution is everywhere. A report released today by PennEnvironment Research and Policy Center found that in the 53 Pennsylvania waterways tested, covering the entirety of the commonwealth, all of them returned evidence of microplastic pollution. These findings underscore the severity of the plastic crisis in our communities and ecosystems.   The sampling of Pennsylvania’s waterways

New SNAP College Eligibility Criteria

February 26th, 2021|

In February 2021 the USDA shared important updates regarding student eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), due to the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. This act temporarily expands SNAP eligibility to students in higher education enrolled at least part time. The new requirements now extend eligibility to students who: “are eligible to participate in state

RISE PA Stakeholder Webinars Announced

February 26th, 2021|

The Pa. Department of Human Services (DHS) is planning a series of webinars to introduce the Resource Information and Services Enterprise – or RISE PA – an upcoming statewide resource and referral tool that will enable advocates and individuals in need to more quickly identify appropriate service providers,  including social ministry

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