

State OKs $10M in Tax Credits as Report Outlines How Far Out of Reach Housing Remains for Workers

July 14th, 2021|

The Pennsylvania General Assembly and Gov. Tom Wolf  approved $10 million for the Pa. Housing Tax Credit program aimed at closing the gap in affordable housing just before the National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) released its report documenting how far out of reach housing is for workers in Pennsylvania and

Legislature Approves Changes to Emergency Rental and Housing Assistance Programs as Eviction Moratorium Set to End

July 2nd, 2021|

With the end of the national moratorium on evictions related to pandemic downturn set to end July 31, the General Assembly and governor approved measures to make it easier for counties to drive federal emergency assistance to affected renters and landlords, as well as a $350 million grant program for

Pennsylvania Leading the Nation in Student Homelessness Increase

June 1st, 2021|

A newly released report shows that homelessness among children and youth is increasing dramatically in Pennsylvania while rising unevenly in other states during the 2018-19 school year (SY). PEC reviewed the report from the National Center for Homeless Education called Federal Data Summary School Years 2017 - 2019, and summarized

Pennsylvania Seminary and Synods Mark Rogation

May 11th, 2021|

“Lord, let me heart be good soil.” - ELW, Hymn 512  Across Pennsylvania synods and seminary campuses have been marking the season of rogation. “Rogation days” are a historic way of connecting Christian faith to soil. As the ELCA resource “What are Rogation Days?” explains, they were celebrated during the fifty days of Easter on the Monday, Tuesday, and

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