Isaiah 58:12 Fellowship: Empowering Lutheran Youth in Pennsylvania for Racial Reconciliation

A Micro-grant program for youth and young adults to apply for up to $500 for projects in their congregation or community to further racial justice and reconciliation.

Building on the prophet Isaiah’s vision of those who “will be called repairer of the breach, restorer of the streets to live in,” this fellowship empowers recipients to address racial injustice and enact reconciliation at the grassroots level. Up to 3 fellowships will be awarded.

  • Each recipient is paired with a clergyperson of color to serve as mentor to bring the project to fruition.
  • Monthly check-ins with mentors and LAMPa staff, and participation in antiracism training are required parts of the fellowship.
  • Fellows will present on their project and fellowship experience at Lutheran Day 2026 (date TBD). Newly announced Fellows will be welcome and encouraged to attend Lutheran Day 2025 on May 13.
  • Fellows will also plan a community-based event related to Martin Luther King Jr. Day (up to an additional $100 to cover costs).

Fellows who successfully complete their projects will then receive $1,000 for college tuition or continuing education.

Read about the 2024-2025 Fellows here.

Application Requirements:

Youth and young adults (under 25) in Pennsylvania are welcome to apply with a proposed project to further racial justice and reconciliation in their local communities.

  • All projects must include an advocacy component around one of LAMPa’s issue priorities (e.g. hunger and poverty, housing, creation care, human rights) as well as engagement with LAMPa and ELCA Witness in Society.
  • A letter of recommendation from an ELCA rostered minister (pastor or deacon) committed to supporting the applicant in their project is required.

See a PDF form of the application here to prepare. Applications are due by COB on Friday, March 14. 2025-2026 Fellows will be announced by April 1.

Application and Awarding Process:

Each application will be read and reviewed by a team of readers to include LAMPa staff, educators, clergy, and potential mentors. See the rubric here.

Successful completion of each project, participation in formation activities throughout the year, and a final presentation at Lutheran Day in the Capitol will make each fellow eligible to receive a $1,000 scholarship for tuition or continuing education, paid to the institution at which they are enrolled. (Those who have not yet graduated from high school will receive a scholarship award letter that can be redeemed when they are enrolled.)

Suggested Sample Components for Projects:

Here are some ideas to get you thinking about what would work for you and your community. This is not an exhaustive list, and we believe the most successful applications will tap into their God-given creativity!

  • Connecting Lutheran congregations with neighboring AME or other congregations of color
  • Oral history project
  • Video documentary
  • Art exhibit or performance
  • Projects in environmental justice communities, e.g. tree planting, watershed conservation, etc.
  • Leading anti-racist book or Bible studies at a congregation/campus ministry
  • Coordinating Emmanuel 9 Commemorations or other worship services that further racial reconciliation
  • Voter registration drive, especially in a community of color
  • Coordinating a project for “God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday that includes service, education and advocacy related to their racial justice focus.
  • Presentation, table or workshop at synod assembly