The LAMPa Policy Council recently gathered at Camp Hebron, Halifax, for their annual retreat. The group engaged in discernment about strategic direction as policy council to support LAMPa’s mission and to foster being church in the public square. Their work built upon responses to a statewide survey of ELCA rostered leaders and LAMPa’s advocacy network. The survey showed that striving for justice and peace and care for creation rank high in leaders’ sense of call and discipleship. It also identified barriers and opportunities for building greater capacity to live into that call.
The Rev. William Snyder, outgoing Policy Council representative of Luthercare, one of the Pa. Lutheran social ministry organizations, generously facilitated their time together.
The Policy Council reviewed their 2019-2020 policy agenda and recent actions taken at the Churchwide Assembly. The Policy Council practiced appreciative inquiry as they focused their conversations on current issues named in survey responses as priorities for advocacy ministry, but that are difficult to address because of fear of conflict and the perceived lack of skills or opportunities for engaging in civil conversations.
“I am deeply grateful for the investment of time and reflection our colleagues made in this partnership,” Tracey DePasquale, LAMPa director, said. “We especially appreciate the Rev. Bill Snyder for sharing his gifts of facilitation, time, insights and knowledge.”