Has your congregation been busy this year finishing a solar project or an energy efficient lighting upgrade? Maybe you’ve installed a new HVAC system or windows? Does your green team have an organic garden or drought resistant landscaping project they’d like to show off? Now is the time to prepare your entry for the Interfaith Power & Light annual Cool Congregations Challenge for a chance to win prize money and to inspire other faith communities into action.
Your congregation is eligible to enter if it has finished an energy efficiency, renewable energy, or grounds and water conservation project this year, or if it has engaged your community in response to global warming. There is also a planning category for those who have recently finished their energy audit and developed plans for improvements.
Projects can take place inside the worship space or other buildings, on the grounds, in congregants’ homes, or in the community.
So don’t wait – click here to enter the Challenge or download your entry guide today. Deadline for entries is December 15, 2018. The Take the Challenge link includes all of the details, as well as a flyer to get your green team excited about entering, inspirational stories of past winners, and links to the entry form.
Thank you for your care for Creation and for your leadership addressing global warming in your faith community.