The June 30th constitutional deadline for the 2024-25 budget has come and gone, but both Senate Republican leadership and Governor Shapiro have expressed optimism that final negotiations will be reached soon.

Governor Shapiro’s proposed $48.3 billion budget includes several ambitious proposals around affordable housing, health care, and education equity. It does rely on $3 billion from the state’s $14 billion reserves. Senate Republicans have countered with a $3 billion tax cut. That $6 billion gap as well as differences in priorities around education funding and renewable energy investments are the main obstacles to finalizing a budget. Parties on both sides have expressed hope that a deal would be reached as early as this week.

Failure to pass a budget on time results in a decrease in the state’s spending authority. However, in past budget stalemates, all employees under the Governor’s jurisdiction have continued to work and get paid on time.

LAMPa continues to call on lawmakers of both parties to make sure the final budget is one that cares for the common good, especially holding concern for the most vulnerable in the Commonwealth at the center of discussions. As long as negotiations are happening, LAMPa will continue to encourage Lutherans and people of faith to take action for adequate funding of important hunger programs and universal school meals, lifting the cap on the PHARE fund, relieving medical debt, encouraging the production of renewable energy and community solar projects, and ending period poverty.



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