For Lutherans, our Affirmation of Baptism* describes the faith practices that grow out of our baptism. We are to: “… live among God’s faithful people; hear the word of God and share in the Lord’s Supper; proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed; serve all people following the example of Jesus; and strive for justice and peace in all the earth.”

LAMPa supports the church’s bold witness to God’s love for all God has created by equipping disciples in Pennsylvania to live into their baptismal call. In partnership with the whole of the ELCA and partners around the globe and across the Commonwealth, we provide resources for worship and faith formation, tools, guides, and training for learning and communicating across divides about issues that affect the common good, as well as opportunities and accompaniment for non-partisan advocacy. This work is shaped by the needs and experiences of our ministries as they serve their communities and neighbors here and around the world. Find links to resources below, and follow us or sign up for news of future training opportunities. How can we accompany you in your justice-seeking journey?

*(Evangelical Lutheran Worship, page 236.)

PA State Capital Dome

Advocacy Toolkit

Person watching video on mobile device

Advocacy Videos

Man thinking

Advocacy FAQ

Person typing on laptop

Letters to the Editor

Sate Legislature around table

Make a Visit

Hand writing letter

Write a Letter

Worship Leader

ELCA Social Teaching

Hand reaching out

Worship Resources

PA State Capital

Pennsylvania Government Resources

PA State Capital

Issue and Policy Resources